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Great Movies That Are Incredibly Boring. Movies dont have to be entertaining. That probably seems like a strange thing to say, but its true. While many of the most beloved films of all time certainly fall under the umbrella of entertaining, a great movie can also be one that aims to inform the viewer of something they need to know, functions as a cinematic work of art on every technical level, or is otherwise notable for a reason so elusive that it takes years for people to figure out its appeal. IMG_2345-1024x682.jpg' alt='Watch Boyhood Online' title='Watch Boyhood Online' />The only thing that all great movies have in common is that theyre movies. So, its perfectly possible for a boring film to still be considered great. Yet, boring is one of those tags that people who love a movie will defend it from like its their own. Theres something inexcusably insulting about the boring label. While its true that a boring movie can be a bad one, there are other times when boredom is simply a side effect of some ulterior motive that a filmmaker possesses. While few directors set out to make a boring film, the truth remains that there are some movies that are as undeniably snooze inducing as they are undeniably great. These are 1. 5 Great Movies That Are Incredibly Boring. Boyhood. Boyhood is one of the most ambitious films ever made. Over the course of almost 1. Richard Linklater shot this intimate epic all about a boys journey from childhood to adulthood or at least something approaching adulthood. Its a technical marvel made with a lot of love. Its also kind of a bore. The problem with Boyhood is that its realistic to a fault. If you happen to have been a young lower middle class boy who grew up in certain parts of Texas, youll be shocked to see just how well Boyhood captures the most minute aspects of that particular experience. Mr. Freedom Online Putlocker. If that doesnt describe you, then youll likely be left to wonder why it is that almost every single scene is seemingly devoid of actual dramatic occurrences. S80DqJztXMPpBIBHXyJCGf4zU8=/1200x627/2014%2F12%2F09%2Fd3%2Fboyhood.66ae6.jpg' alt='Watch Boyhood Online' title='Watch Boyhood Online' />Jackie Brown. Jackie Brown is sometimes thought of as the other Quentin Tarantino movie. Actually, Jackie Brown barely feels like a Quentin Tarantino movie at all. Its largely devoid of gushing pop culture references, the violence is actually quite tame, and not a single Nazi gets a swastika carved into their head. Directed by Mark Gibson. With Campbell Scott, Laura Linney, Jared Harris, Laurel Holloman. Among the rich in New Orleans, its the lush life for Lionel Exley, a golf. Watch Boyhood Online' title='Watch Boyhood Online' />Some people actually love the movie because its such a non Tarantino film. In fact, some believe its one of the best movies of the 9. Even those who like the film will have a hard time arguing in favor of the films length, however. Jackie Brown is a one and a half hour movie that takes about two and a half hours to watch. Watch Online Watch Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House Full Movie Online Film'>Watch Online Watch Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House Full Movie Online Film. Much of the movies first hour is devoted to very slow set up, and the stylized finale intentionally re tells a particular story occurrence several times from different points of view. Jackie Brown is a good movie, but its one that demands your undivided devotion. The Revenant. 20. The Revenant is one of the best movies based on a Cormac Mc. Carthy novel that isnt actually based on a Cormac Mc. Carthy novel. Its a story that relies heavily on setting and little on dialog. Despite this, it still features some incredible individual performances. The Revenant is a film that often feels like its losing interest in its own story. Theres nothing wrong with a minimalist plot, but The Revenant fires out of the gate as a somewhat high octane revenge film and eventually becomes an almost supernatural meditative journey about the human condition. Watch TV shows and movies anytime, anywhere. Watch Viking: The Berserkers Online Facebook. Only 7. 99 a month. Start your free month. That might have actually worked if it wasnt for the fact that director Alejandro G. Irritu occasionally revisits the original story much like the director is a parent assuring travel weary children that they will eventually get to their destination. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is not just a lesson in why most movies feature one or two word titles its a lesson in why there are no such things as a guaranteed box office successes. You would think a western film starring Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck that was promoted via some really great trailers would be well received by audiences. Instead, the film made about 1. Many of its box office failures can be traced back to bad word of mouth. Assassination isnt a typical Hollywood western. While the film is undeniably beautiful this is some of Roger Deakins best work there is simply no reason for this movie to be almost three hours long. This is a case of a film that seems rather shallow from a narrative standpoint, yet seems to be completely obsessed with itself. Apocalypse Now Redux. Apocalypse Now Redux is the 2. Francis Ford Coppola labored over this version of the film in order to ensure that it was the definitive version of a movie that is still considered by many to be his masterpiece. Instead, Redux proved to be a bit of a mixed bag. Some people loved the fact that the movie contains a few, minor additions which really do help fill in some plot gaps the original cut left behind. Others, however, found themselves staring at their watches as this over three hour film slowly chugs towards its eventual finale. The problem isnt that Redux is long the problem is that much of its length can be chalked up to scenes that really dont add anything to the story. Even people who prefer this version may hesitate to watch it over the original on the basis of runtime alone. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. On the outset, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy feels like an underrated gem. A highly stylized spy thriller starring Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth, and John HurtHow could that set up possibly lead to anything but a great drama To be fair, the movie might actually be an underrated gem, but to find out, youll have to be one of the few people that can make it through through the movie without having any questions about what exactly is going on. We know that a lot of films get labeled as confusing when theyre really not Inception, but Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is a genuinely confounding movie. Thats not an awful thing in and of itself, but the film doesnt really reward you for your patience with an especially notable payoff. Spotlight. Spotlights story is an undeniably important one. This film follows a group of Boston Globe reporters trying to uncover the truth behind a series of molestation charges within the church that have seemingly been covered up for years. What it really is, though, is a message about how good journalism is more important than ever at a time when good journalism isnt necessarily profitable. You could say the same thing about a movie like All The Presidents Men. However, while All the Presidents Men is spiritually close to a spy thriller, Spotlight goes out of its way to meticulously show every detail of the journalistic investigation process. As admirable as that goal is the film is clearly trying to show that good reporting isnt always flashy there are many times when youll find yourself wishing that the movie would abandon its message in favor of providing some traditional cinematic thrills. Barry Lyndon. Barry Lyndon is probably one of the most obscure movies on this list, which is actually quite funny when you consider that it came from one of the best directors of all time. Still, Stanley Kubricks 1. Irish mans attempt to woo a wealthy widow has much like Jackie Brown long been relegated to other movie status. To tell you the truth, its not hard to see why Lyndon doesnt receive the love that some of Kubricks other movies do. Barry Lyndon is best described as an especially well produced episode of Masterpiece Theater. Actually, its more like a particularly stuffy museum. Its full of old and beautiful things, but you really need to like staring at old and beautiful things in order to derive any enjoyment from the experience. A Space Odyssey. Before we let Mr. Kubrick off the hook, lets talk about what is arguably his greatest achievement. A Space Odyssey is maybe the most important sci fi film ever made.