Watch Isis Rising: Curse Of The Lady Mummy Download

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Bookworm Gal Fan. Fiction. Author has written 6. Transformers, Digimon, Transformers/Beast Wars, Aladdin, Mulan, Dark. Wing Duck, LXG, Paul, James and the Giant Peach, Lion King, Mummy, Fairly Odd. Parents, Tin Man, Ferngully, Inspector Gadget, Knight Rider, Wreck- It Ralph, Megamind, Danny Phantom, Lilo & Stitch, Mummies Alive!, Freakazoid, Monsters vs. Aliens, Dresden Files, Spider- Man, Night at the Museum, Octodad, Casper, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Beetlejuice, Ratchet and Clank, He- Man, Robert Asperin, Rise of the Guardians, Undertale, Star Wars, Legends of Tomorrow, and Hocus Pocus. Important Notice: I have an original novel now for sale on Amazon for the Kindle.

It is called "Dead Man Walking" by A. R. Jones. Link(ht tp: / / www. Watch The Letter Online Facebook there. Dead- Man- Walking - R- Jones- ebook / dp / B0. MKAL6. VA / ref = sr_1_2.

Watch Isis Rising: Curse Of The Lady Mummy Download

UTF8& qid = 1. If you enjoy my fanfiction stories, I request you go and buy my original work.

Thanks. Behold, I have an icon. Linkmaste, another writer here who apparently is also able to draw, did a rendition of my creation, Fatemon. In my opinion, she captured his appearance quite well from my written description in my story "Destiny." So, here he is in all his awesome glory.

I've also finally got around to forming a spot to gather what few pictures that are related to my stories in one location. If you're interested, here it is ( ht tp: / / bookwormgal. Some are under my favorites and some are actually drawn by me (but very few of them are my work due to the fact I can't draw to save my life). I am essentially Queen of the Bookworms. I am also a speed reader. Example, I finished reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in less than twelve hours of reading. I watched way too many cartoons and Disney movies growing up.

I'm the oldest of three and the only girl. I prefer a good action movie to a romantic comedy any day. If I review your story, I will try to stay positive, because I'm not good at being mean, but I will not read stories that have drastically bad grammar. Watch Suck Putlocker. I just don't feel like wasting my time deciphering it, sorry. I will never use any real foul language in my stories or have too twisted romance. I don't like to read that stuff, so why should I make others? If that's a problem, there are plenty of other writers for you to bother.

Watch Isis Rising: Curse Of The Lady Mummy Download

Mostly, I want to have fun with my stories and I hope you have fun with them too. I like to write, so I write for myself. I'm just nice enough to let others give me their opinions. So you should be grateful that I'm sharing.

I like it when you tell me what you think. Otherwise, how will I ever improve? So, that rectangle button at the bottom of chapters? Press it and leave a review please. Fanfiction Rules: While I may end up breaking these myself at times, I try to stick to these as much as possible.

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You're welcome to borrow them yourself (in fact, I encourage you to). Do not make canon characters act completely out- of- character. The only reason you should do that is if you handle it carefully, it is short term, and you have a very good explanation as to why. Nothing throws a person for a loop like their favorite character acting weird all of a sudden. This also means that you shouldn't treat your least favorite character like they're an idiot just because you hate them. Try to be fair to all the members of the canon, not just those you like.

In fact, take it as a challenge to write them well, despite your personal feelings. There," "their," and "they're" are different words with different meanings. The same goes for "it's" and "its." Learn them and know which one is which. It makes a world of difference in your writing if you use the correct word. Reread and double- check your work.

Spell- check is not fool- proof. Sometimes just going over something will help you spot dumb mistakes. I end up writing out on paper my story first, then type it. That takes care a lot of mistakes, just copying it to the computer.

Then, I reread it a little later to spot the rest. Find your own system, but you need to reread your work! One word, people: grammar.

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Do not fear it; love it. Nothing can scare off a reader like horrible grammar in a story. And if they do stick around, chances are they can only barely understand what they're reading. All pairings are fair game, if it makes sense.

If there is no hint at a character having feelings towards another, good or bad, why act like its been there all along? Those new feelings can develop, but don't create them all at once.

It's not nice to break up an established couple just to stick the hero with your original character either. And not every boy and girl (or boy and boy, or girl and girl. I'm not against that, if there is a evidence of that in the canon to support that kind of relationship. Please don't do that just because you can) has to be a couple. Friendships can be just as important and difficult to craft, but worth the effort in the long run. Ain't" is not a word. The only reason I will allow it in a story is in dialog.

People can say it in conversation, but other than that.. NO! 7) Be descriptive in your work. Don't just say "It was a black cat," say "The feline rubbed his midnight fur against her leg, blinking his amber eyes with pleasure." Okay, you don't have to go to that extreme with it either.

But you should still use more details. Tour Of Duty Tv Series Watch Online. Much more fun to read. There are hundreds of ways to say "said" (yelled, cried, whispered, begged, questioned, wondered, remarked, called, announced, gasped, laughed, smirked, growled, groaned, screamed, smiled, joked, hissed, explained, described, muttered, grinned, wept, panted, sighed, asked, coughed, snarled, shrieked, snapped, chuckled, choked, shouted, giggled, moaned, whined, complained, whimpered, breathed, mumbled, assured, purred, informed, babbled, yelped, lied, suggested, complimented, blabbed, snickered, commented, replied, grumbled, summarized, declared, etc). Use them. They're more descriptive of the tone, volume, style, and emotions of the speaker and really take a good story to a great story. I'm not saying that you can't use "said," but don't be afraid to spice things up a little too on occasion. Don't be afraid to try new story ideas. Just think them out first.

How many times do you find a fanfiction that is incomplete because a writer doesn't know where to go from there? It helps to have a rough plan for the story of how to get from point A to B.

It prevents you from writing yourself into a corner. You can always change it as you go, but it will give you some structure to work with. Original characters are fine to add to a story, just beware of the curse of Mary Sue. Make them believable.

This means faults, imperfections, a back story (not a overly sappy one with either too much perfection or too much angst! That's not a back story; that's a soap opera), and real personality. Don't just photocopy yourself in so you can date your favorite character, either. Create an original character, meaning not existing elsewhere (including the real world). In all likelihood, not every canon character will like the same person equally. Some may hate them (shocking, right?) and they could be very well justified in their hate.

Some personalities just clash. This does not mean that your least favorite character must be mean to your original character so you can show the world why you hate that character.

Try to be better than that.) The more realistic you can make them, the better. If possible, create an individual that could easily have existed since the beginning, even if they didn't deal with the canon characters directly, and seems to belong in that universe. Best Fanfiction Disclaimer Ever: I found this on TVtropes and thought it was amazing. Whoever wrote it did an awesome job, so I had to add it to my profile.(o: o: o)Sing, O Muse, or speak, or dance,and so your audience entrance: For voice, or step, or gilded phrase - each art shall mortal minds amaze.