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This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy – Return Of Kings“More” is not a bad thing; it’s inherently required for progress. Why do you think society has gotten to where it has? Because people wanted “more” in all cases.

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More free time, more luxuries, more survival, more safety, more intellectual stimulation, more more more. It’s human nature to want more, regardless of whether you’re male or female – you want more.

The difference is less about gender and more about what’s allowed. If you let someone be lazy, they will tend to be lazy. If they have to work to survive, they’ll fight to get more. If they can slack off and have someone else hand them more for free, then they’ll just demand more and come to expect more without reciprocation. We, as a society, treat women like children, and so long as someone has the option to be a child forever, there’s really not much motivation to ever rise beyond that.

If we stopped treating women like children? Yeah, the current generation would fail miserably beyond all belief. The vast bulk of the single mothers with children from four fathers living off alimony, child support and welfare would be screwed over when all of those disappeared… their children, however, would learn to work to survive as they’d be forced to grow up into adults by the time they’re 1. This has been seen time and again throughout history in such situations, though again, it largely ends up being that the mother treats her daughter with preference, so the male child is more likely to learn to be useful and the female child is more likely to act like her mother.

If the mother is left to starve, however, and the daughter told to earn her keep or GTFO, she will learn to be a useful member of society as well. If, however, you go the standard route on here of “lol women are good for sex so keep a harem and feed/clothe them for sex” then you’re just going to train a generation of whores because all you’ve done is told them they can have all the sex they want and they’ll not even have to earn it, in fact they’ll be rewarded for being useless still. Hold women to the standards of men, force them to survive of their own accord, that they must produce work to live, and you find that women are quite capable of working hard when taught to do so.

I’ve known plenty of women who are perfectly capable of working their asses off, many of them much more so than the average man: the reason is always the same, though, and it’s the same reason men tend to strive for excellence: because they have something to prove. The whole equal hiring practice dealie has led to most women just expecting to get a job and keep it despite being useless, simply because that’s what they’ve been told they deserve. They “deserve” respect for… for… for what? Doing less work? You earn respect, you don’t get it handed to you on a platter. As such, these women keep being told they deserve respect for doing nothing of value other than “working in a man’s job, which’s so hard!” and they’re given nil because they’re useless.

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The paradox, is that this also produces some of the hardest working women out there as well, the few who are raised by male standards and told they HAVE to do take pride in their work, and they don’t get respect unless they earn it… those ones realize that if you have your job handed to you for free, you have to work twice as hard to earn the same respect as a man, so they do exactly that if they want to earn respect. The problem is that we tend to generalize all women together as being useless. It’s largely true because this is what they’ve been allowed to be, and in fact encouraged to strive for: uselessness.

When we look at the larger picture, however, we see that when you teach a woman from birth accountability, she’ll typically be a harder worker than the average man since she has to work harder to break even for respect. As such, if we ever want to see equality, it’s not going to be garnered through equal outcome of forcing women to be paid for playing in the ball pit and drooling on themselves, it’s going to come through forcing women to meet the same expectations men do, and after a few generations, it’ll naturally fix itself over time. The problem is people want to see things fixed NOW, so they try to shortcut it, and the shortcuts just exacerbate the issue further, making it worse rather than better. Equality is achievable within our lifetime, but it would have to start now, and it would have to be maintained no matter how many are sacrificed in the process from those not willing to take care of themselves.

There would be an awful lot of collateral damage all around, and it would be a painfully black mark upon our record as a society, with enormous amounts of women starving to death… and this would cause a problem since it’d mean that women would be artificially increased in value, and men would start wanting to take care of women for sexual favours in return. This would break the entire plan, so there’d have to be a dismissal from men for wanting sex as well, unless a woman earned it by being an equally hard worker as the man.

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This would be hard on everyone, but it would produce equality in about 6. But the chances are our society would collapse in the meantime or be invaded with its weakened infrastructure in the interim. Unfortunately, almost no one’s interested in equality. Not the feminists, not the “alpha males” (and the guys on here who call themselves alphas have no clue as to the definition, please stop bastardizing the term. Also, betas are closer to second in command, not doormats, the term you’re looking for is delta male.), and not the ones claiming they want equality. Equality is a long, painful process to attain, and everyone suffers during the process. Since we’ve already covered that people want “more”, not “less”, the chances of any generation being willing to be the one that lives in misery so that their grandchildren might be better off is slim.

It used to be the norm, but they didn’t understand what was wrong; now that we know, it’s probably too late since most of us just want to reap in the benefits of a dying society. If you want women to be equal to men, the key is to hold them accountable on all levels in everything they do to the same level you hold men accountable. This includes the self- proclaimed “alpha males” being forced to reject sex from women who aren’t their equals. As it’s highly unlikely anyone on any side of the matter has the strength of character to actually succeed in that, feel free to return to your festivities and debauchery, just don’t delude yourselves into believing you’re somehow better in this matter by birthright.

You just haven’t been given the option to be as much of an abject failure as most women have been allowed to be. If you had the option to be completely useless, have sex all day and do no work, yet still be respected for it, you’d probably be right there alongside them. Brag that you were held to higher standards and lived up to them all you want, there’s no shame in that. If anything, there’s respect to be earned from such, but don’t brag about being given the tools necessary to be a better person. Being handed the psychological tools needed isn’t an achievement, it’s still just having something handed to you. It’s just in this case, the tools given are chastisement, shame and accountability.

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They suck, but that’s what you need to better yourself.