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Acronyms finderacronyms and abbreviations. Acronyms, whether true acronyms or not, and abbreviations, add colour, fun and interest to our language, and thereby they act as mnemonics, or memory devices. Many technical and process related acronyms and abbreviations greatly assist in memory retention and learning. Many acronyms and abbreviations when used properly can certainly enhance communications, because they act as short hand and therefore increase the efficiency of communications in other words, more meaning is conveyed in less time and fewer words. Many acronyms and abbreviations are also motivational and inspirational for training, because they contain a special theme, and because the acronym or abbreviation itself is a mnemonic device a memory aid. Some of these acronyms and abbreviations originated as far back as the 1. World War, and a few probably the early 1. Spontaneous Combustion Movie Watch Online'>Spontaneous Combustion Movie Watch Online. World War. Many other abbreviations listed here are far more recent. Many older acronyms provide fascinating examples of the development of language and changing cultural attitudes. Latterly similar dark and cynical humour is evidenced in the development of acronyms and abbreviations relating to the field of customer service, especially in the contexts of IT and healthcare, for which an additional healthcare acronyms listing appears below separately, due to its richness and diversity. Also, increasingly, lifestyle groupings and demographics profiles are providing fertile subject matter for acronyms a separate listing of lifestyle and demographics acronyms appears below. When using acronyms and abbreviations for serious and intentionally open communications ensure that definitions and meanings are understood or explained, or the acronym defeats its own purpose. Its advisable that if using acronyms in reports and other important communications, such as instructions, manuals, procedures, and training materials, you should include a glossary of acronyms and abbreviations, which hopefully enables the audience to understand the meanings involved. Automotive acronyms actually these are backronyms, since they are retrospective constructions, lifestyledemographics profiles acronyms and healthcare acronyms are listed in separate sections below. Some of these acronyms and backronyms also appear with more details and explanations in the main acronyms listing. A3. Any time, Any place, Anywhere. Popular texting abbreviation ack J Lewis. The expression actually originated from a 1. Qq. Vous avez entendu un morceau qui vous a retourn les oreilles Vous tes tomb sur une mission dcoiffante et cherchez savoir son nom pour la rcouter en. Watch Welcome To Woop Woop Hindi Full Movie' title='Watch Welcome To Woop Woop Hindi Full Movie' />Watch Welcome To Woop Woop Hindi Full MovieMartini TV advert in which the song went Any time, any place, anywhere, Theres a magical world we can share, Its the right one, its the bright one, Its Thats Martini. Other variations of lyrics following the opening line were used in more recent years Its a new world, Me and you girl. Suggestions on a postcard please as to the original words and ad agency, composer, etc, and later versions. The word Martini in the context of media has now assumed an amusing additional modern meaning, referring to mobile and on demand communications and media, and is also used as an ironic reference to someone exhibiting particularly flexible or pragmatic tendencies, especially politicians who pander to views and support for personal advantage above ethical considerations. A2. OApples To Oranges. Acronym to highlight any inappropriate comparison a modern shorthand for chalk and cheese. A2. HSAge, Build, Clothes, Distinguishing marks, Elevation, Face, Gait, Hair, Sex. Acronym used by UK armed forces and services staff for identifying people involved in incidents or crime. AAAAlive, Alert, Aggressive. One of very many triple A acronyms. We are the original player clan. We are the greates and we rule. That is bcuase we rule. Watch La Vida Precoz Y Breve De Sabina Rivas Mediafire'>Watch La Vida Precoz Y Breve De Sabina Rivas Mediafire. Acronyms and abbreviations free acronyms and abbreviations finder and definitions business, training, medical, military, technical, funny acronyms, backronyms and. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is a 1994 Australian comedydrama film written and directed by Stephan Elliott. The plot follows two drag queens. The MythBusters chose Marshall as one of several NASA locations for an episode to debunk the notion that NASA never landed on the moon. The cast. Lyberty. Yes, a splash page is old fashioned, but its been a tradition here since 1999. Google Home owners will probably be talking to their living rooms a lot more thanks to an update that lets the voice assistant make phone calls to the U. S. and Canada. I dont know how their business model is going to workMoviePass still pays theaters the full price of each ticketbut as a film buff who usually pays 18 and. Somewhat macho but catchy nevertheless, and not a bad rallying call for self or team in a variety of situations visit to the dentist, disaster de debriefing with scary CEO, public speaking pep talk, etc. Apparently originated in the Seal Cove fishing community on Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Ack G Myers And by way of extending the theme AAAAAssociation Against Acronym Abuse. Ack P Vallee. ABCAlways Be Closing. Traditional selling process acronym which emphasises the need to be continually moving the customer towards action and agreement within sales discussions ack T Rowe. ABC along with ABC1 also refers to the JICNARS demographics system of social grades classifications, and to the Airway, Breathing, Circulation first aid reminder of what to check first in a casualty. Watch A Grand Day Out Online Hoyts. ABCDAbove and Beyond the Call of Duty. Whether this acronym originated in the armed services is not clear. These days it is just as applicable to the civilian work environment, and particularly the need to ensure a healthy work life balance. A reminder also for all managers and corporations that people who go the extra mile, beyond normal expectations, are to be treasured and suitably rewarded, not exploited. T RoweACRONYMAbbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning. Fine example of the backronym art and very apt for near top of the list. A wonderful talking point for dinner parties, thanks Ralph Johnston. Alternatively and brilliantly thanks Marc Jones this version is wonderful A Completely Random Order Never Yields Meaning. Additionally and equally impressively Alphabetically Correct Representation Of Neologically Yclept Magniloquence thanks B Coates. Heres what the unusual words mean Neologically describing a word that has been newly created, from French neologisme, meaning a newly created word Yclept meaning so called, or going by the name of, derived from an even older English word, gecleopod, the past participle of cleopian, meaning call, in turn from old Germanic language Magniloquence meaning the use of grand or powerful language from Latin magnus, great, and loquus, speaking. ACRONYMSAbsurdly Contrived Representations Of Names Yielding Mass Stupefication. As above. Thanks A BradyACORNA Classification Of Residential Neighbourhoods. Acronym for the CACI Ltd research organizations system of demographics classifications, used for consumer marketing in the UK. More about ACORN and other demographics classifications. In the US, ACORN also stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which claims to be the USAs largest community organization representing low income and moderate income families,. ACTAction Conquers Terror. Straight to the point, very true, no nonsense acronym thanks P Myers.