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Watch Zombi Holocaust Online Zombi Holocaust Full Movie Online

The common claim of the horror film is that it allows us to vicariously play with our fear of death. Inarguable, really, but that’s also too easy, as one doesn’t. What happened in Mumbai isn’t new. Muslims have been slaughtering Hindus for ten centuries. In his own words, this Hindu man reveals what the Western media have. Watch Halloween Online.

A Hindu Man explains: ‘Why I hate Islam’That’s not true Raj. I don’t think you will disagree if Quran says not to bury infant girls, take care of your parents, neighbors, give share in property to daughters, etc.

You may disagree if it orders killing non- believers, but the verse which orders to kill non- believers was for a particular war with the people of Mecca, and not in general. You can say, like in Mahabharat, Lord Krishna saying Arjuna to war with his own brothers and uncles, was just for the war, and did not mean to kill them other than that. Similarly, the verses in Quran did not mean to kill non- believers anytime.

There are many Hindus living in, for example, Saudi Arabia these days, one of them my friend, and do you think they are getting killed for being Hindu. No, not at all. I have seen many Hindus living in Dubai, Qatar, and other Muslim countries and they are doing well, not under any threat. I agree there are many Muslims who are terrorists, and agree they use religion as an excuse, but do they represent all Muslims? No. Majority of us do not endorse terrorism. We oppose Pakistan’s policies on Kashmir as strongly as you do, because Kashmir problem is not a religious problem, it is a political problem. Also, there is a very important verse in Quran that says, in summary, “To you, your religion.

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To me, my religion” meaning it is your wish to follow your religion and it is my wish to follow my religion. If some people are killing innocent Hindus in the name of religion, they are guilty and they should be punished.

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I consider them more guilty because they are doing Muslims more harm by these activities and we strongly condemn them. I know many Muslim rulers from outside massacarred many Hindus, but there are also instances Muslim rulers attacking Muslim kings of India also, Nadir Shah and Ahmed Shad Abdali for example, who attacked the Mughals and looted and destroyed their kingdom.

This was not related to Islam, but pure politics. You know in the past, most of the states were usually at war, even many Hindu kings were warring each other in ancient India.

They were not fighting for religion, but for politics and power. They had nothing to do with religion.

Same is with Muslim rulers who attacked India. Mahmood Ghaznavi, Taimur, Ghori, etc. Taimur, before attacking India, also had attacked Iran and other Muslim countries, his mission was more money and power, not religion.

Also, I would like to make it clear that Islam does not allow raping any woman under any circumstances. NEVER. Not even after wars. I agree some people have taken undue advantage of this by raping women, and believe me, there is punishment for them also. It is said it is better to have iron nails in your hands than to touch an unknown woman. How can one imagine rape is allowed in Islam?

You are my brother as we belong to same country. I understand you were angry at the time of writing this article because of Mumbai attacks, but I was equally angry and believe me, had we gone into war with Pakistan after that, I would have been to borders at once. I urge you to ventilate your grudges against Islam out of your mind.

However, you will find me by your side against those terrorists who are killing innocent people in the name of religion. May God bless you.